Wednesday 24 May 2017


  Once you start to seek the truth about the situation in Syria, what you find will shock you. The situation on the ground tells a story of what could happen if democracy is flawed. The dictatorial regime in place under the president Bashar Al-assad has turned the country into a war zone. Ghost cities sprung after nuclear explosives were thrown into most of the major cities of Syria, like Homes, which is full of dilapidated real estate that housed thousands of citizens. The number of innocent civilians that have been murdered, most of whom were children, is heart-breaking. Many have been injured and displaced from their homes.

 The divide in the country was caused after the Arab Spring Protests against the regime under Assad in the years 2011-2012. Peaceful demonstrations by the rebels took place within the cities such as Aleppo. This caused an aggressive retaliation by the government leading to massive bombings in the cities where there existed a population of the rebels, the goal was to wipe out the 'enemy'. Left in the shadows, were the innocent civilians affected by the crisis. The result has been constant war with external forces of the west and Russia trying to intervene causing more tension. 

 The terror that has come after taking a contrarian position against the Assad regime, has caused the civilians to be silent about the true reality of the situation. The following link directs to an episode of the investigative TV series, VICE, which depicts how the civilians have been brainwashed through propagandists of the Assad agenda and through the government censorship and control over the media in the country. (Assad's Syria)
Decentralization of power is critical in ensuring democracy and preventing extremism use of power. The solution of using blind violence to tackle political matters has only led to suffering of the innocent. Yes, in some instances the use of force is inevitable in tackling crime such as terrorism but a government that is of the people, by the people and for the people needs to concern itself with the innocent caught up in the crossfire. It is its responsibility to ensure that the citizens feel secure and free to live their lives. No one has the right to weigh the importance of an innocent person's life according to their reasonable opinions and ideas about the reality they live in. All lives matter.


 Value isn't created by what you know, it is created with what you do with what you know. I believe the education system is flawed. We are taught to know more things instead of also being taught how to use that information in the real world to create value. This is why there is a gap between how many people graduate from school with honorable degrees and the number of people actually creating value hence creating wealth for themselves.

  How do you create value? It is simple, through focused consistent actions using the set of information that is available to you. We only improve ourselves if we can use information that is available to us strategically to get an advantage. The process of doing, leads to refinement of technique and real life experience of what not to do.

   Ever asked yourself how come so many people want to be rich, wealthy and powerful yet the vast majority never come close to that success? A number of these people are highly educated and work in large successful companies. Education or where you are employed will not make you extremely rich or wealthy. To clarify, by rich I don't mean living comfortably, I mean millions and millions of dollars. An amount that can lead you to financial freedom for the rest of your life without having to slave at an 8-5 job everyday. I know the employed might criticize this post but it is the reality of wealth creation. The wise who are employed know the essence of having multiple streams of income.

  Employment can't be relied on its own if the goal is to achieve massive wealth accumulation. The reason why many achieve mediocre success is because we have a tendency to expect to be paid for our time rather than being paid for the results we give. In those results is where our value lies. Value comes from a combination of information, practice and commitment. It is simple, the more value you give the more money you attract.

Tuesday 28 February 2017


   We spend our lives working hard to be where we are at now just to feel like there is a lot more that we are yet to accomplish. It needs to click in your mind that being conscious and grateful about the moment in time you are in, sets off a wave in the universe that will draw your goals closer to you. It always feels like the progress is happening slower than you anticipated but the true value of achieving your life goals lies in the process that you take to get there. Your long term goal should influence what you do now. Getting caught up in "the moment", by the moment I mean indulging in things that have nothing to do with your goals, will only set you back. It can get exciting experiencing the external world but you risk the chance of missing out on opportunities that take you closer to the end game. Distractions will always be there, you have to try and be aware every moment of your existence for you to control your thought process.

   The small steps that you take matter. If you set a high bar for yourself, it means the journey will not be easy. Only your mindset can keep you from quitting or slowing down. Control your thoughts, control your life. This is one of my life mantras. Human beings are beyond blessed. We have the power of consciousness, the power to control all the thoughts that we plant in our minds. It is quite a profundity once you start to understand that everything that has happened in your life is as a result of all the conditioned thoughts that has been embedded in your mind since birth, whether you are conscious about it or not. This is why it is of essence that you learn how to keep your mind in a state of awareness for you to realize that you can control how you react to different situations without causing yourself unnecessary stress. Free your mind by accepting all that you have gone through, it is the only way you can heal and release that build up of energy within blocking you from growth.

   Everything that is meant to be yours is meant to be drawn to you inevitably but all the worry, doubts, built up emotions and distractions keep you from receiving what's yours. Visualize what you want, believe it is yours, plan your moves and execute meticulously everyday, eventually abundance will flow into your life effortlessly. You deserve to live the life that you want, love yourself enough to know and accept what will be required of you and gear up. Don't allow yourself to settle for mediocrity or short hand gains, the end game is what matters. You are improving yourself now in preparation for your future self who will have the skills to execute milestones with precision. If it is important enough to you, you will do whatever it takes to get there. It will happen, trust the process. 

Thursday 19 January 2017



   The flow of time is a construct that we have created for ourselves to try and explain this worldly existence and experience of life. I was reading on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and it changed my perspective on what I view time to be. Understanding that this element called 'time' that we think is always flowing may not be moving at all. Start by viewing the experience of life as a four-dimensional entity for example like a loaf of bread. That four-dimensional entity is what Einstein called space-time. Back to the analogy of a loaf of bread; one end of the bread is the moment when we start to experience life and the other end is when we stop experiencing life. Life exists in this continuum. You are at one specific point in the continuum at this moment in time. Every moment that we have ever experienced exists as different moments in this space-time. You could pick out one moment from the past or future on that continuum like selecting a picture frame from a movie reel. So, according to Einstein's thinking, the 'past' that is, the moments that you already experienced, exists at the same time as the present moment and 'future', the moments yet to manifest. I hope that this simplified analogy makes it easier to understand the aspect of space-time.

   Viewing life in this perspective gives you an opportunity to create the life that you want because the future you desire already exists. Everything exists in the now. We create our lives by the choices that we make everyday. You have to be conscious of your being at all times because you  literally are an artist creating a work of art that is your life experience. Stop living life giving power to the world over what happens to you and start taking control of your mind and being, by consciously making choices and taking actions that are in line with your goals. When you are productive, time seems to move faster than usual and when there is a ton to do it can get stressful because of the deadlines that you have set for yourself. Take a deep breathe and realize that you are moving closer to the life that you have imagined, that gives you a sense of purpose and an unwavering drive to take action. What matters is what you do now with your life not in the next few months or years. Simply ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing now in line with what I want to manifest?" You have all that you need to take control of your life just be conscious about your awareness and show commitment to your goals by taking the necessary actions.


Wednesday 23 November 2016


   We live in a capitalistic world, no doubt. It has its benefits but it has become so prevalent that we have thrown our values and morals out of the window. These days it seems these values and ethical reasoning have no bearing on our character as people. Things are spinning out of control and only those with a strong conscience can see it. We have become oblivious of the core issues that are affecting the world that we have forgotten how to critically evaluate the repercussions on our sustainability. Problems are never problems till they are. In other words, if we are not vigilant we can never see change coming. This capitalism has placed the victims of it in a bubble. Usually, most people only pay attention to issues that affect them directly. This is diluting our sense of compassion and advocacy on matters that can affect the mortality of our beautiful world.

    I am passionate on addressing climate change especially now that our global focus is on wealth creation. It is a shame that some people who we have elected as our representatives consider this matter as deceitful despite all the signs that are evident. I am also a victim of being in a bubble at times, I am not perfect but every moment when I get that abrupt awakening and a sense of awareness I feel like it is my responsibility to try and change the circumstances. We can get caught up on what is happening in front of us that we forget to see the bigger picture. I feel that climate change hasn't received the attention that it deserves. I hope that by writing this, I will ignite an inner fire within you that will bring an inspiration to take up this matter and bring even that little great change that the world desperately needs. People become aware of climate change through the media but what if the matter isn't being addressed as much as it should be? Does that mean we forget and wait for hurricanes, tsunamis, famine and drought to brutally remind us of the current reality? 

   Climate change hasn't been receiving much attention because it happens over a long period. The problem is it only becomes noticeable when natural disasters strike. You can go through Reality Check Part 1 and see how countries like Bangladesh are on the brink of extinction because of the rising water levels. Waiting for problems so that we can tackle them isn't sustainable. Eventually all the ignorance and misconceptions are going to catch up with us and unfortunately it will be the posterity to suffer. I don't expect everyone to care, there are people who are the pioneers of the causes of these adverse changes in our ecosystem. Look at fossil fuel industries, multi-billion dollar companies that are run by people that are apathetic to the issue. It won't be easy changing all that we know. Simple things like the car that you drive or plan to contributes to CO2 emmisions. Change starts with awareness. 

   Uniting on this will speed up the process of self-restoration. The world is like a cell, it can recreate itself, it just needs to be given the right conditions for it to do the inevitable. You may not have the wealth and resources to go against these wealthy polluting companies but you have a voice that can change people's perception towards the matter. Only a voice? Doesn't seem so powerful, does it? But imagine if millions take up this cause, we have all the power that we need in unity. Trust me. Synergy creates a Master Mind where everything is possible. 

Tuesday 8 November 2016


     I try to make everyday the best of my life. This was undeniably one of the most fun weekends I have had in a while. I love to getaway, clear my mind, escape and be one with nature. What better place to do that than Nanyuki, Kenya. My friends and I rented a house in Mt. Kenya Conservancy Estate at Olpejeta. Just a few kilometers from the town. The environment was serene, woke up to see some wildlife in the morning around the house. The rental houses are quite a number but they all have a similar design. The rent per night for the whole house was Ksh. 20,000 ($200). The price might change depending on the season. The place can accommodate about 10 people.

                                Images obtained from 

       We also got a chance to explore Ngare Ndare Forest Trust located at the foothills of Mt. Kenya in Meru. The waterfalls are something you should go experience. Can't remember the last time I saw water that clear. The water comes down to form a blue pool, you can swim or just enjoy the scenery. I recommend this place if you love adventure. We also went for a canopy walk, if you love heights you'll feel the rush as you walk across the pathway on top and in the midst of nature. The waterfall and canopy walk experience was roughly Ksh. 2,000 ($20) per person. Highlights of the trip are in the video. Enjoy. 

Wednesday 5 October 2016


    I am a feminist; supporting women who are trying to make something great of themselves makes me feel like I am contributing to the advancement of women in every field. I encourage you to do the same. From my experience I still feel like it is a man's world despite all the necessary attention that is being shed onto the girl child. The policies coming up that are inclusive of women have shown the world the importance of empowering women. My focus today is especially on women working in male dominated fields but, this is a problem that pervades in all sorts of different environments.

   It can be rather intimidating working alongside men, you feel the need to constantly prove yourself because there is pressure to perform. Making your way to the top without having to compromise on your dignity because of the prevalent objectification of women that clearly exists, is more arduous than it sounds. Saying no to unrelenting unwanted advances in the workplace or any other place for that matter can be seen as being conceited which can make your male colleague change his behavior towards you. It is strenuous for women in hyper-masculine environments to find a balance of neither being seen as yielding or too harsh. I am not saying that this is the only dynamic that happens but it happens so it should be addressed.

   Just to show you an instance demonstrating the gravity of the situation, the results of a survey called 'Elephant in the Valley' were released earlier this year. The survey was conducted on women that work in Silicon Valley and those living around the area and it focused on finding out the challenges that women face in their work place. These were mostly women in tech and venture capitalists. It was found that 60% of women acknowledged that they had faced sexual harassment in their workplace. There were other issues addressed but I wanted to focus on this specific statistic ( I believe such statistics can be reported in other fields as well and this makes me feel unsettled.

Well, my advice to you is to not condone such behavior, ever. You are doing yourself an injustice by ignoring and not standing up for yourself in a situation where you feel condescended upon. Surprisingly, most men are oblivious of what us women go through in such a workplace and it is upon us to bring awareness with regards to the issue. Courage to say no will do you great in your life. Don't be a victim if it can be avoided and if it can't, take the matter up to someone with the power to stop what is happening to you. You have the power to demand mutual respect. The essence of being a woman is something special and should be valued by everyone. It's time for you to see that, more so, it's time for the world to see that.